Training Courseware
Training Courseware – Customisable, Affordable, Professionally Written – The ideal material for every trainer and end-user.
Special Offers on Electronic Copies
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NEW!! Office 2003 Package (15 titles) | |
Access 2003 Excel 2003 Word 2003 Powerpoint 2003 | Frontpage 2003 Outlook 2003 Windows 2003 |
All for £495 + VAT |
Office XP Package (15 titles) | |
Access XP Excel XP Word XP Powerpoint XP | Frontpage XP Outlook XP Windows XP |
All for £395 + VAT |
Office 2000 Package (23 titles) | |
Access 2000 Excel 2000 Word 2000 Powerpoint 2000 | Frontpage 2000 Outlook 2000 Windows 2000 |
All for £295 + VAT |
NEW!! Crystal Reports |
version 10.0 NEW!! version 9.0 version 8.5 |
£300 + VAT per title |
BookIT Course Management System |
HALF PRICE Booking System When ordered with any of the above bundles Single User £345 + VAT : Network Version £595 + VAT |
Office XP Titles |
Buy 2 Get 1 FREE!! Buy any two Office XP titles and get a third one absolutely FREE!! |
What do we offer?
- A wide range of Courseware Titles
- Constantly Reviewed and Updated
- Supplied in a Variety of Formats:
What Media?
- CD
- Hard Copy
How to Order?
- Select title(s)
- Phone (44)1625-410812
- Use the order form on this web site
– Professionally Written by trainers.
– For Use by Trainers to Structure & Support Courses.
– For use by End-users as self-teaching Aids.
– Samples Available on this web site.
– Competitively priced.
– Unlimited license to print from electronic copy.
– Fully Customisable from electronic copy.
Why FocusOnCourseware?
IT training courseware is a vital material in the provision of IT training. High quality computer training manuals are time-consuming to produce, and need constantly updating to keep pace with the latest developments in IT software.
FocusOnCourseware provide the ideal online solution to this problem. By providing instant access to an ever-expanding library of customisable training manuals, which allow you the trainer to print unlimited copies, editable as required, you can concentrate on the delivery of training. Safe in the knowledge that the latest versions of computer training tutorials are available on-line, you can deliver your training courses with confidence.
If you need one or two manuals, we can supply these as bound copies.
If you are looking for more copies, would like to edit the manuals, add your own logo etc, we can provide electronic copies either via CD or the Internet, so that you can carry out your own publishing.
What is courseware?
Training courseware is written material which is supplied in printed form either with, or as part of, training courses delivered by tutor or trainer. The courseware can be used either as a structured programme through the course, or as a revision/reminder/prompt for use by the delegates after the course.
How is Courseware used?
Each course title is a self-contained unit, with notes and exercises to help the delegate through the course and the trainer to deliver a structured course meeting the pre-determined requirements of both delegate and trainer.
How does this benefit the Delegate?
By providing a printed manual in support of the training delivered by the trainer, the delegate is able to refer to the topics covered after the course to reinforce the learning already received and also to remind or refresh knowledge at a later date.
How does this benefit the trainer?
By having access to a library of up-to-date and well-tested courseware, the trainer is able to structure the courses to a tried and tested pattern, without the need to spend otherwise productive time in creating new titles and exercises on a regular basis.
How flexible is it?
Every course title is provided in an easy-to-use format, and can be printed from Word. The format allows a wide range of customisation. For example, it is possible to add logos and company details, and to tailor the contents to suit the course being delivered.
Why is it in Modular Format?
Most of the courseware titles are in the same format. A full course is made up of four modules, each covering separate topics and in itself is a self-contained unit. The courseware is in this format so that courses can be delivered in a number of ways. The main structure is based around a one-day course of four modules. However, this allows flexibility in that it is possible for the course to be given module by module in 2 hour sessions, or to combine two modules for half-day sessions, or to “mix and match” the modules from different levels of courses to build a tailored course for individual clients or delegates.
Is it cost-effective?
Taking time out of a busy schedule is very costly. Most courseware titles take many hours to build, and this is valuable time lost which could be spent generating extra income. The cost of the individual titles has been priced to provide the best quality material at a level which is below what it would cost a trainer to produce themselves.
How wide is the range of titles?
The range of titles offered is extensive, and covers all of the most common software packages. Most of the courses are available at a number of different levels, from introduction to advanced. In addition, for the more technical courses, these can cover from one to five days, and again the modular format allows more flexibility in selecting the length of course and the content.
What’s New!!!
Crystal Reports v10
Brand New Crystal Reports v10.0 Introductory Course OUT NOW!!!
Call for latest details
Whatever your need for IT training courseware, printed or electronic versions are available to put you in the driving seat.
FocusOnCourseware is your ideal courseware partner.
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